Life Gave lemons : so we make lemonade
Want to collaborate? Host your own stand?
Have us join yours?
More info coming soon... In the meantime: send us an email:
Zach (6) & Tess (5) set up their table out front- "But lets make it free, because more people will come! THEN, we can have a can with Callies picture on it (like the gas stations), and if people want to give money, we will give it to the Doctors to help find a cure!" Each customer approached and Zach would announce "My sister needs help! Do you wanna give her money?!" We giggled at his words, and shared more with each passerby. We raised $60 in one hour that day and donated it to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We were so proud, because in our small way, we had helped!
Empowered by the opportunity to be part of the greater good, we continued to set up our humble stand; fundraising for the CFF, Make A Wish Foundation, & several other local charities. It didn't matter to us what cause we were supporting, THEY ALL MATTER!! All lemonade by donation, & every cent went to the cause we were at!
It is our dream to see [Life Gave Lemons] stands being run by families, across the country. Fundraising for the causes that matter to them. Being part of a greater good, and teaching the next generation, that kindness really is the new cool. (more on this coming soon...)
If you are interested in collaborating with us, having us join your cause, setting up your own stand, you name it: please reach out!